2015 Thanksgiving thread

FoxNews was preoccupied covering the Donald Trump celebration tour, so I did a little investigative reporting myself. You decide.


Originally Posted by Rex Ryan's pet coyote (Post 8315267)
if you say "make america great again" your dick will be predator droned

Infraction point for inappropriate language.


Originally Posted by The Cuddling Wingman (Post 8251953)
I am going to punch someone in the dick many times. 10!


Originally Posted by Natural Numbers (Post 8152259)
Wait, someone here thinks that Iran released the hostages because they were afraid Ronald Reagan was going to punch them in the dick or something?


Originally Posted by Neutral Omen (Post 8138262)
My bank makes me answer a zillion questions to authenticate my identity.

A legitimate stranger caller can also jump through similar hoops to gain my trust.

If a neighbor scams me, I can just go punch him in the nuts. That's the world grandparents grew up in. I can't dick punch somebody calling me from Ohio or from overseas.


Originally Posted by George Frankly (Post 8105545)
Be proactive.

Or leave your sunglasses (or whatever) at the table. As everyone's leaving, go back to retrieve them and look at the receipt.

Anyone who gets caught not only stiffing the wait staff, but also taking your money, gets a solid dick punch.


Originally Posted by Serena (Post 8085362)
There's a chick who needs a dick.

So someone can punch her in it.

Hold on SnB, you say. Maybe a blow to the dick isn't the offensive part. maybe we can't say drone because of the PC police. yeah, maybe you're right...


Originally Posted by Dismal Science (Post 8139275)
I would like to buy a share of a predator drone please


Originally Posted by oedipus rex (Post 7447177)
Who cares what this douchebag says. Pretty soon we'll have our own predator drone bodyguards and no one will **** with us, or else.


Originally Posted by mr coffee (Post 8302844)
I read unconfirmed report that they're returning the favor for the drone strike that killed jihadi john.

...and to bring it full circle, here are a couple unmodded posts referencing both a predator drone AND a dick. :ohnoes:


Originally Posted by ShakeNBakes (Post 6783624)
if people do this without approaching the dog's owners first, they deserve to have a predator drone flown into their dick at top speed


Originally Posted by erosewater (Post 7220415)
Balla that new avatar is gonna get you a predator drone to the dick

And in closing, here is the picture that I believe started it all. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong:


2015 Thanksgiving thread