The Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for the catastrophic attacks in the French capital, calling them the first of the storm and mocking France as a capital of prostitution and obscenity, according to statements released in multiple languages on one of the terror groups encrypted messaging accounts. The remarks came in a communiqué published in Arabic, English and French on the Islamic States account on Telegram, a messaging platform, and then distributed via its supporters on Twitter, according to a transcript provided by the SITE Intelligence Group, which tracks jihadist propaganda. An earlier statement was released but was deemed unlikely to be authentic because of anomalies in the language, as well as an error in a date provided, according to experts on jihadist propaganda. |
So, the original claim that was used to justify bombing a bunch of people turned out to be fake? The one all the :usa: couldn't believe I even dared to question?
Luckily though they have something from Telegram. And verified by SITE. SITE? What the hell is that?
SITE Intelligence Group is a for-profit Bethesda, Maryland-based company that tracks online activity of White supremacist and Jihadi organizations.[1][2][3] From 2002 to 2008, SITE Intelligence Group was known as the Search for International Terrorist Entities (SITE) Institute. SITE is led by the Israeli analyst Rita Katz.[4][5] In order to view many of the contents of their website, a person, government or company must subscribe to SITE Intelligence Group.[6] |
This is the proof we have? WTF!?!?!? An Israeli intelligence analyst and her for-profit company is now the only proof needed to start bombing people? Maybe ISIS should hire Hamas intelligence analysts to justify their bombings? Ridiculous.
Any article I look at - the proof is very lacking...
A Syrian passport was found near the body of an attacker outside one of the targeted sites, the Stade de France, according to a police source, CNN affiliate France 2 and other French media reported. The passport belonged to a person who had been processed on the Greek island of Leros, Greek Deputy Minister of Citizen Protection Nikos Toskas said Saturday. CNN cannot independently verify that the passport was authentic or whether it actually belonged to one of the attackers. A source close to the investigation told CNN that an Egyptian passport was found on another attacker. "There is strong assumption that these passports are fake," the source said. |
While ISIS' claims have not been confirmed, a senior U.S. intelligence official told CNN the U.S. government has "no reason to doubt" Hollande's attribution of the attacks to the terrorist group. |
Paris - the case against ISIS