What does the butcher do with the leftovers?

I ordered a pound of salmon a few minutes ago. The butcher came back with 1.441 pounds and I, not wanting to pay 44.1% more than what I originally intended to spend, asked him to take the extra off. He seemed a little inexperienced, came back with 1.223 pounds and I again asked him to take more off. He then proceeded to cut off another sliver and returned with the correct weight.

Now, what does the butcher do with the extra meat? I don't think anyone is going to come in asking for the ~.2 pound slices that he cut off. Does he try to repurpose the meat so it can be sold in another manner, like in a ready-to-eat meal?

Or does he just throw it away?

Can somebody with grocery store butchering experience tell me the answer?

What does the butcher do with the leftovers?