Would you like a Independent primary?

40% of voters are independent.
We have a primary for the two major parties. In many states, independent voters may vote in typcially the Democratic primary, assuming they like any of them. However, independent candidates must get a ton of signatures to get on the general ballot and still look weak, or run in a partisan primary without the votes of the general voters.

What if we have a 3rd primary, the Independent primary, with no leadership or platform. Its poll is just administered by the state. Independent candidates either receiving the same number of signatures as major party candidates may get on the ballot. The major parties may even send one of their candidates to infiltrate if they are so bold. Minor parties are welcome. Independent and minor party voters then vote on all the independent/partisan candidates on their ballot. The highest vote getter is placed on the general ballot. No minor parties may get on the general ballot without surviving one of the 3 primaries.

That limits the general ballot to at most 3 candidates, and gives the 3rd candidate some credibility. It also makes independent voters feel less left out.


As for the general election, with 3 candidates, we would need either instant runoff let each voter vote for at most 2 candidates they approve of, so that vote splitting is not a problem.

Would you like a Independent primary?