SOA/CAS FM/2 "Study Notes"

The Introduction to the ASM FM manual states: (p. 2)


This manual does not contain the questions and solutions included in the Study Notes for Exam FM/2 published by the SOA/CAS... You should definitely get these additional practice problems. You can download them for free from the SOA or CAS web site. We have not included them in this manual because we didn't want to waste space by duplicating material that is freely available from another source.
I'm not sure what the authors are referring to. I know that the syllabus has links to practice questions on interest theory and financial econ, and that pre-2007 exams are available, but I haven't found the document that the authors seem to be referring to by the quote above. Anyone know what they mean? Thank you.

SOA/CAS FM/2 "Study Notes"