The FM/2 Live Online Intensive Review Class for Advanced Students is 12/5 & 12/6

To FM/2 Exam Candidates:

We at are offering the FM/2 Live Online Two-Day Intensive Review Class on December 5th & 6th for students sitting for the exam.

This class is mainly geared towards advanced students who have been putting in the necessary exam preparation time and are in position to receive a score anywhere from 4 to 8 on exam day.

We are very confident that those individuals who sign up for this class will find it to be an invaluable exam preparation resource, and greatly increase their chances of passing the FM/2 exam. The instructor for the class, Dr. Geoffrey Apel, is an expert in actuarial exam preparation, and has helped many students pass the FM/2 exam.

The FM/2 Live Online Two-Day Intensive Review Class Offers Students:

a. The teaching of valuable strategies, techniques, methods, and shortcuts for improving their approach and direction in attacking and solving a wide range of FM/2 problems in a much more effective and efficient manner.

b. The review of specific syllabus topics which most students generally find difficult to master.

c. A live interactive learning environment in which students are encouraged to ask questions of the instructor.

d. All students will receive a full video recording of the two day class following its conclusion.

In the more than four years that we have been offering this class, we have received tremendous feedback from past students who have communicated to us how valuable the class was in raising their level of problem solving ability which significantly contributed to them passing the exam.

For more Information and to Register for the FM/2 Intensive Review Class, please click one of the 3 options below:

1. The Actuarial Bookstore @

2. @

3. Actex Publications @

If you have any questions regarding the class, please do not hesitate to call us @ 1-855-SOA-EXAM or (212) 874-4105 or email us at

Yours truly,
(212) 874-4105

Attached Images

The FM/2 Live Online Intensive Review Class for Advanced Students is 12/5 & 12/6