Giuliani refutes Trump’s 9/11 claim: ‘We had some pockets’ of people celebrating — no

Sounds like Giuliani is making stuff up as well...


Donald Trump’s claim that he saw “thousands and thousands of people” in New Jersey cheering the destruction of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, has been refuted by police, elected officials, religious leaders, fact-checkers and the media — and, now, the mayor of New York City on 9/11: Rudy Giuliani.

“We did have some celebrating — that is true,” Giuliani said on CNN’s “New Day” on Tuesday. “We had some pockets of celebrating.”

How many pockets?

“Ten. Twelve? Thirty. Forty,” Giuliani recalled. “We had one situation in which a candy store owned by a Muslim family was celebrating that day, right near a housing development. And the kids in the housing development came in and beat them up.”

“We expected a lot of irrational acts of violence against people who appeared to be Islamic or Muslim, and we had very, very little,” Giuliani continued. “And we did have some reports of people celebrating that day as the towers were coming down.”

Ten, twelve, forty? WTF?
He is making shiite up too.
Show me some proof.

Or what about people of other religions that were supposedly celebrating?

Giuliani refutes Trump’s 9/11 claim: ‘We had some pockets’ of people celebrating — no