Tax Inversions Hinder Economy, Boost Large Caps

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Further hurting U.S. companies is the practice of “double taxation.” When a U.S. corporation earns income in another country, it must pay taxes to that country. Then, the U.S. requires companies to pay our 35% rate on the profits that were already taxed in that other country. This is punitive and a disincentive to keeping businesses in the U.S. Most other countries only tax domestic income.

Maybe that’s why 20 U.S. companies have run screaming to relocate.

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And that’s why companies are keeping their foreign profits overseas. There’s about $2 trillion invested abroad. A fifth of that is held by Microsoft (MSFT), Apple (AAPL), Google (GOOGL, GOOG) and five other technology firms.

Imagine what could be done if that was here. How many jobs would that create? How many shareholders would be rewarded with dividend increases that they, in turn, would spend or invest in our economy?
The question is, are they a good partner/steward in the economy?

What do they pay in prop taxes comparatively?

What do they pay in employee taxes?

How many other social 'benefits' which are really taxes, do corps pay that the employee deems necessary but never pays for?

and yes, all of those taxes that are not in plain view are paid by the corps/businesses, local or large entities.

when is enough taxation enough?

Tax Inversions Hinder Economy, Boost Large Caps