Why not auction off ballot spots?

Currently, if someone wants to get on a ballot, they pay people to go get signatures. The people signing have no idea who this person is and just go off the platform they are told. They also might worry about being judged for their signature, or just not like being bothered.

What if instead of paying the signature gatherers, who often don't care about politics, we put that money into the general fund? Bloomberg says the only reason good independents don't run is how hard it is to get on the ballot. I'm sure he would not mind paying a fee. We could set 9 spots and hold an auction over a 3 month period. The highest payers get on the ballot. Sound undemocratic? Why can't people give $5 each instead of their signature? I'm sure that would be competitive.

The state would get more money.
Independent candidates could cut to the chase faster.
Voters could still vote for who they want or write in 1 name.
We could leave half of the spots open to signatures.

Also, I still say all candidates, including minor party nominees, should all be on one big open primary, assuming we vote twice.

Why not auction off ballot spots?