Do you trust Hillary to defeat ISIS?

She sure talks the talk. With Obama in office, presumably in agreement with her, and with a pro-war republican congress, why hasn't Hillary talked them into defeating ISIS already? Why do we have to vote her in first before she takes any action? I find it hard to believe that superpowers are being pushed around by this group. Something smells fishy, like a pure election ploy.


IMO, simply letting the Arabs clean up their own mess is not good enough. We should be talking to the stable countries in the area to convince them to help out or not fund ISIS. We should train and light arm the locals who are being attacked. We should provide drone air support. We should cut off recruitment ads and replace them with footage of what those people are doing. I don't think the victims are strong enough to fight ISIS off on their own. Hillary sounds great, but she also sounds like just words, if she won't act until after she is elected.

Do you trust Hillary to defeat ISIS?