Take this to the bank.

Heres' three things I realized last night.

Okay, so you know how everbodys' always getting racist against guns because their dad never showed them how to shoot? You also got how the gun haters are also probly prochoice while regular people who know about guns are pro life. Well, an argument pro gun people have been using for awhile now is that even if guns are made illegal people will still use them to commit crimes. "Since when do criminals follow laws?" - pro-gun people. So you understand I am saying. Well pro-choice people say that if abortions are made illegal then people will still get abortions, but they will be more dangerous. So essentially its the same argument. Thats' why guns should be kept legal.

Another thing is I got in this argument with this pothead and I realized this last night. Its okay to argue with a pothead about something axcept you just have to make sure its not about pot because the pothead is never going to change his mind about that. Sometimes they even get high and mighty about organics foods and such and then get racist at you for drinking Dr. Pepper. Thats why its not worth telling potheads anything.

The other thing I realized is Trump has got the whole thing rapped up so they might as well call it now. Think about it. The democrats side is either going to be Barney Sanders or a woman, so no bodys' going to vote for them. Also spagetti is a stupid food when you think about it.

Take this to the bank.