Fall 2016 Syllabus Change

Fall 2016 syllabus changes:

The Canadian Institute of Actuaries approved the following changes to the syllabus for the Fall 2016 sittings of Exam 6–Canada–Regulation And Financial Reporting (Nation Specific) with the concurrence of the Assistant Chair of the CAS Syllabus & Examination Committee. Corresponding modifications to learning objectives and knowledge statements, as well as, edition changes to current citations will also be made.

Exam 6 Canada

• Delete:
OSFI, “Key Principles for the Future Direction of the Canadian Regulatory Capital Framework for Property and Casualty Insurance,” January 2010.

Swiss Re, “Making Flood Insurable for Canadian Homeowners,” November 2010, Sections 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8.

Chapter 29 and Section VIII of Odomirok, K.C.; McFarlane, L.M.; Kennedy, G.L; and Brenden, J., Financial Reporting Through the Lens of a Property/ Casualty Actuary, Casualty Actuarial Society, 2014, Edition 4

Financial Services Commission of Ontario, “Providing more Choice to Consumers: What you need to know about changes to auto insurance in Ontario”.

• Add:
International Association of Insurance Supervisors, “Insurance Core Principles, Standards, Guidance and Assessment Methodology,” 1 October 2011, ICP 17 Capital Adequacy.

Insurance Bureau of Canada, “The financial management of flood risk,” 2015.
The ICP 17 seems a long text compared to what is removed.

Fall 2016 Syllabus Change