Spoiler - Rules::
Each game will be between 2 teams; call them Team A and Team B, with Team A being the team who takes the first turn. Each team chooses one player to be their "spymaster" for the duration of that game. All non-spymaster players are "field operatives".
For each game, I'll post 25 words:
- 9 of the words belong to Team A
- 8 of the words belong to Team B
- 7 of the words are neutral, belonging to neither team
- the remaining 1 word is the Assassin word.
I'll tell the two spymasters via PM whether each of the 25 words is A, B, Neutral, or Assassin. The field operatives on each team are trying to guess all their team's words before the other team does the same thing, and also trying to avoid the Assassin word.
On each team's turn, that team's spymaster posts a single one-word clue, along with a number, which tells their teammates how many of their unguessed words are related to that clue. For example, a spymaster trying to get his team to pick the words ORANGE and NUT might post "TREE, 2". The spymaster can also choose to give the number 0 as part of the clue, which means that none of the team's words relate to the clue word given, or can say "unlimited" instead of a number. A spymaster shouldn't be making any game-related posts other than clues, i.e. giving hints is not allowed.
The field operatives try to guess which words their spymaster is referring to, one at a time; after each of their guesses, the ownership of that word is revealed. They must guess at least one word. As long as the words that they guess are words belonging to their team, they can choose to keep guessing, until they reach a maximum of 1 plus the most recent number given by their spymaster - unless the spymaster said "0" or "unlimited", in which case there is no maximum number of guesses.
If their guess is a neutral word, then their turn ends.
If their guess is a word belonging to the other team, then their turn ends, and the other team gets credit for having guessed that word.
If their guess is the assassin word, then that team immediately loses the game.
All spymaster clues and field operative guesses should be posted in bold.
The spoiler contains rules for what qualifies as a valid clue.
For each game, I'll post 25 words:
- 9 of the words belong to Team A
- 8 of the words belong to Team B
- 7 of the words are neutral, belonging to neither team
- the remaining 1 word is the Assassin word.
I'll tell the two spymasters via PM whether each of the 25 words is A, B, Neutral, or Assassin. The field operatives on each team are trying to guess all their team's words before the other team does the same thing, and also trying to avoid the Assassin word.
On each team's turn, that team's spymaster posts a single one-word clue, along with a number, which tells their teammates how many of their unguessed words are related to that clue. For example, a spymaster trying to get his team to pick the words ORANGE and NUT might post "TREE, 2". The spymaster can also choose to give the number 0 as part of the clue, which means that none of the team's words relate to the clue word given, or can say "unlimited" instead of a number. A spymaster shouldn't be making any game-related posts other than clues, i.e. giving hints is not allowed.
The field operatives try to guess which words their spymaster is referring to, one at a time; after each of their guesses, the ownership of that word is revealed. They must guess at least one word. As long as the words that they guess are words belonging to their team, they can choose to keep guessing, until they reach a maximum of 1 plus the most recent number given by their spymaster - unless the spymaster said "0" or "unlimited", in which case there is no maximum number of guesses.
If their guess is a neutral word, then their turn ends.
If their guess is a word belonging to the other team, then their turn ends, and the other team gets credit for having guessed that word.
If their guess is the assassin word, then that team immediately loses the game.
All spymaster clues and field operative guesses should be posted in bold.
The spoiler contains rules for what qualifies as a valid clue.
- Your clue must concern the meaning of the words; you can't use your clue to talk about the letters in a word. e.g. "Gland" is not a valid clue for ENGLAND, and you can't tie BUG, BED and BOW together with a clue like "B: 3" or "THREE: 3".
- You can't post a clue that uses any form of an unguessed word, or part of an unguessed compound word. If "BREAK" is one of the words that hasn't been guessed, you can't use "BREAK", "BROKEN", "BREAKDOWN", etc. as clues, and if "HORSESHOE" is out there, you can't use "HORSE", "SHOE", "HORSEPLAY", "SNOWSHOE", and so on.
- Foreign words are allowed as clues only if they would be used in an English sentence, e.g. "TSUNAMI" and "STRUDEL" are both fine.
- Hyphenated and multiple-word clues such as "MOTHER-IN-LAW" or "PACK RAT" are not allowed.
- Homonyms with different meanings and spellings are considered different words, e.g. you can't give knight-related clues for the word "NIGHT".
- Words that are spelled the same are considered the same even though they might have different pronounciations and meanings, e.g. you can use the word "BOW" for both "THEATER" and "SHIP".
- Proper names are allowed as clues, provided they follow the other rules.
- Rhyming clues are valid when they refer to meanings, but not otherwise. e.g. giving the clue "SNAIL" for the word "MAIL" is fine because "snail mail" is a common phrase, but giving the clue "SNAIL" for the word "SCALE" just because they rhyme is not allowed.
- You can't post a clue that uses any form of an unguessed word, or part of an unguessed compound word. If "BREAK" is one of the words that hasn't been guessed, you can't use "BREAK", "BROKEN", "BREAKDOWN", etc. as clues, and if "HORSESHOE" is out there, you can't use "HORSE", "SHOE", "HORSEPLAY", "SNOWSHOE", and so on.
- Foreign words are allowed as clues only if they would be used in an English sentence, e.g. "TSUNAMI" and "STRUDEL" are both fine.
- Hyphenated and multiple-word clues such as "MOTHER-IN-LAW" or "PACK RAT" are not allowed.
- Homonyms with different meanings and spellings are considered different words, e.g. you can't give knight-related clues for the word "NIGHT".
- Words that are spelled the same are considered the same even though they might have different pronounciations and meanings, e.g. you can use the word "BOW" for both "THEATER" and "SHIP".
- Proper names are allowed as clues, provided they follow the other rules.
- Rhyming clues are valid when they refer to meanings, but not otherwise. e.g. giving the clue "SNAIL" for the word "MAIL" is fine because "snail mail" is a common phrase, but giving the clue "SNAIL" for the word "SCALE" just because they rhyme is not allowed.
Team C:
PeppermintPatty (spymaster)
Team A:
Abstract Actuary (spymaster)
CindyLou Who
Word List:
basketball battle bedroom boot butter
change doll drawer fish flag
foot hook match mint monkey
plane potato quarter rake stone
swim ticket tomato weight wire
Code Names: CvA