Driving in Los Angelse Could Ruin Your Marriage!

Nury Martinez, a 6th district Los Angeles city councilwoman, proposed to integrate the license plate database with another database of license plates photographed in certain -- disreputable -- places around the city, and send to that owner a letter explaining that the vehicle was seen in, “an area known for prostitution.

Perhaps the intent is to promote buses, taxis and use of Uber.


Martinez told CBS Los Angeles, “If you aren’t soliciting, you have no reason to worry about finding one of these letters in your mailbox. But if you are, these letters will discourage you from returning. Soliciting for sex in our neighborhoods is not OK.”
I suspect Councilwoman Martinez has never had a wife.


what happens to those records once they are committed to paper? As letters sent by the District Attorney or City Council, they would be rightly subject to Freedom of Information Laws. And mandatory retention periods that exceed those of automated license plate data, even though no investigation has been consummated.

Which means that, under Councilwoman Martinez’ scheme, anyone will be able to get a list of all vehicles driving in certain parts of town merely by requesting “all ‘John’ letters sent” between a date range.
You'd think that the more obvious solution would be to devote resources to stopping the actual prostitution instead, but... no.

Driving in Los Angelse Could Ruin Your Marriage!