My thoughts on food stamps

I watched an old video of Trump saying that he wants to get rid of food stamps at one of his rallies. Some guy started heckling, and security threw his ass out. Trump mentions how the guy was fat. Everyone laughed.

I agree. Let's get rid of food stamps. They're basically a tool used by democrats to get votes and keep poor dependent on the gov't. I grew up with the mindset where if you don't have money to eat, then you should starve or eat Ramen noodles.

I see people all the time paying for groceries with their food stamp debit cards (EBT). It seems like they're so easy to get now a days. These are the same people who pull out a wad of $100's when they have to pay for something that isn't covered by their EBT card. Someone told me back in the day the process for getting food stamps was very difficult, and families who were on food stamps were ashamed to be on food stamps. Now a days it seems like all this entitlement culture cares about is the end result. Meaning, it doesn't matter the means in which you get the food. As long as you get it.

The whole thing makes me sick. Why are my tax dollars going to fund food stamps? Let these scumbags pay for their steak and lobster on their own dime. I swear people on food stamps eat better than middle class taxpayers not on food stamps. You've all saw the comparison refrigerator memes. Bunch of scumbag democrats our generation churned. Again, I blame the participation trophies.

My thoughts on food stamps